Thursday, September 27, 2012

Egg Carton Math- Place Value

Place Value to the hundred thousands-
This game is a great way to review with students place value.  It makes it fun and engaging for all. 

I found out that a lot of my students have issues writing the numbers out.  I gave each table a place value chart that was put into a page protector and allowed them to write the numbers into the chart using a dry erase marker.  This made it easy for the children to write their numbers out before putting in on paper to actually see why it was written the way that it was.   Here is the game:

Egg Carton Place Value Sheet

Click Here for the Carton Covers

Are you dying eggs this Easter? Here is an idea for recycling the cartons. You need a carton, some small manipulatives (I used beans) and the printables below. This game is a review of writing numbers in standard form. You have to pre-program the egg carton with the place value chart written inside. We are working on numbers through the hundred thousands place. Students shake the egg carton with the manipulatives inside. Player one has the top row in the carton and player two has the bottom row. After shaking they see where the erasers land and create the number. Example: maybe 3 landed in the hundred thousands, 1 landed in the ten thousands, 3 landed in one thousand and maybe 0 in the hundreds, 3 in the tens and 1 in the ones places. Then the number written is 313,031. Player two checks his number and then they compare using the greater, less than or equal to signs and record answers on the sheet. (See below).

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Patterns- A little First Grade Activity

This is my son sharing his patterns :)  I had him create patterns using clothes pins.  Then I video taped him saying the pattern.  He was so excited to know that he would be on my blog and that the teacher was going to see a video of him saying his patterns! What a great way to excite children. 

You could do something like this for other parents and put it into a QR code.  When back to school night starts you could have the parents scan and see things that there children are doing throughout school.  Just a cute little idea :)